Peer Reviewed and Trade Journal articles by Michael Scherer. Click on any title to read and download.
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Scherer M, Al-Haj Husain N, Barmak AB, Kois JC, Özcan M, Revilla-León M. Influence of the layer thickness on the flexural strength of aged and non-aged additively manufactured interim dental material. J Prosthodont. 2023;32(S1):68-73.
- Scherer MD, Al-Haj Husain N, Barmak AB, Kois JC, Özcan M, Revilla-León M. Influence of postprocessing rinsing solutions and duration on flexural strength of aged and nonaged additively manufactured interim dental material. J Prosthet Dent. Published online May 19, 2022:S0022-3913(22)00222-0.
- Scherer MD. Adapting the Digital Reference Denture Technique for Full-Arch Cases Using a Novel Fixed Attachment System. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2022 Nov/Dec;43(10):646-653.
- Scherer MD. Expedited digital-analog hybrid method to fabricate a 3D-printed implant overdenture. Journal of Prosthodontics. 2022 Mar;31(S1):52-57.
- Scherer MD. Dual-arch implant overdenture treatment protocols. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2022 Feb;43(2):74-79.
- Scherer MD. Properly adjusting implant-retained overdentures. Inside Dentistry. 2021 Dec;17(12):33-38.
- Scherer MD. Utilizing fiber-composite frameworks to reinforce overdentures. Inside Dental Technology. 2021 Dec;12(12):18-23.
- Scherer MD. Framework design fundamentals for maxillary overdentures. Inside Dental Technology. 2021 Oct;12(10):18-22.
- Scherer MD. Planning full-arch reconstructions for today and tomorrow: implant overdentures and fixed restorations. Compendium eBook. 2021 Sept
- Scherer MD. Root overdenture attachments in an implant world Sacramento District Dental Society. 2021 Jun/Jul;67(6):16-18.
- Scherer MD. Digital clinical-lab workflows for full-arch implantology Dentistry Today. 2021 Jun;40(5):38-45.
- Scherer MD. A screw-free fixed hybrid prosthesis in two visits Inside Dental Technology. 2021 Jun;12(6):20-26.
- Scherer MD. When to use laboratory vs. chairside processing of overdentures Inside Dental Technology. 2021 May;12(5):16-23.
- Scherer MD, Barmak BA, Özcan M, Revilla-León M. Influence of postpolymerization methods and artificial aging procedures on the fracture resistance and flexural strength of a vat-polymerized interim dental material J Prosthet Dent. In press. Published online March 29, 2021.
- Scherer MD. The invention of 3D printing and its impact on dentistry: an interview with Chuck Hull. Comp of Clin Ed Dent. 2020 Nov/Dec;41(10):504-507.
- Scherer MD, Blatz M, Kellum B. How does 3D printing compare clinically with CAD Milling – Roundtable discussion Comp of Clin Ed Dent. 2020 Nov/Dec;41(10):510-512.
- Scherer MD, Rose LF. 3D printing and dentistry: perfect together. Comp of Clin Ed Dent. 2020 Nov/Dec;41(10):494.
- Stumpel LJ, Scherer MD. Workflow for a metal-resin-zirconia fixed complete denture: A dental technique. J Prosthet Dent. 2020 Apr 4
- Scherer MD. What holds us back from implementing digital dentistry in our practices? Sacramento District Dental Society. 2020 Jan;66(1):14-15
- Scherer MD. Digital implant-retained workflows Compendium eBook. 2019 Oct
- Scherer MD. Scanning technology comes of age Inside Dental Technology. 2019 May;10(7):22-23
- Scherer MD. SprintRay pro desktop 3D printer Compendium 2019 November/December
- Scherer MD. Simplifying full-arch implantology with digital dentistry Dentistry Today. 2019 Feb;38(2):76-81
- Scherer MD. Managing angulation challenges with implant overdentures Compendium of Clinical Education. 2019 Jan; published online.
- Scherer MD. Digital technology for implant dentistry Dentistry Today. 2018 Nov;37(11):96-100
- Scherer MD. One on One Interview. CBCT Magazine. 2018 Jan; (1): 19-22
- Scherer MD. A minimally invasive dental implant fixed bridge using a screwless fixed restorative system. Compendium of Clinical Education. 2017 Nov/Dec; 38(2):24-25
- Scherer MD. Future trends in implant dentistry: full-arch rehabilitation and 3D printing. Dentistry Today. 2017 Sept;36(9):63-67
- Scherer MD. Implementing 3D printing technology in practice. ACP Messenger. 2016 Fall;47(4):12-15
- Scherer MD. Immediate loading implant overdentures. Dentistry Today. 2016 Aug:35(8):78-82
- Scherer MD. Simplifying implant overdentures – a contemporary overdenture abutment and attachment systems. Dentistry Today. 2015 Feb:35(2):92-97.
- Scherer MD. Contemporary intraoral optical scanning and in-office 3D printing. Dentistry Today. 2015 Dec;34(12):46-47.
- Scherer MD. Overdenture implants. A simplified and contemporary approach to planning and placement. Dentistry Today. 2015 Aug;34(8):54-60.
- Scherer MD. Guidelines for implants overdenture treatment with standard or narrow diameter implants: a clinical rationale. / Flapless placement of four narrow diameter implants to immediately stabilize a loose mandibular denture. Journal of Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry. 2015 Aug;2:1-8.
- Scherer MD. Business of Dentistry: Narrow-diameter overdenture implants. Comp of Clin Ed Dent 2015. 2015 July/Aug;36(7):460-1.
- Scherer MD. Implementing a contemporary, in-office fully digital workflow in a clinical implant practice: intraoral scanning, virtual design, and 3D printing. Implant Practice US. Apr/May 2015
- Scherer MD, Roh HK. Radiopaque dental impression method for radiographic interpretation, digital alignment, and surgical guide fabrication in implantology. J Prosthet Dent. 2015 Apr;113(4):343-6.
- Rathi N, Scherer MD, McGlumphy EA. Stabilization of a computer-aided implant surgical guide using existing dental implants with conversion of an overdenture to a fixed prosthesis. J Prosthodont. 2014 Dec;23(8):634-8.
- Scherer MD, McGlumphy EA, Seghi RR, Campagni WV. Comparison of retention and stability of 2 implant-retained overdentures based upon implant location J Prosthet Dent. 2014 Sep;112(3):515-21.
- Scherer MD. Are radiographic guides necessary? A paradigm shift in implant site assessment, digital planning, and surgical guide fabrication Dentistry Today. 2014 Aug;33(7):62-67.
- Scherer MD. A paradigm shift in implant dentistry Implant Practice US. 2014;7(4):1
- Scherer MD. Do we need a radiographic guide? A review of cone-beam computed tomography visualization and treatment planning for narrow-diameter implant overdentures. Implant Practice US. 2014;7(3):34-37
- Scherer MD. Presurgical Implant-Site Assessment and Restoratively Driven Digital Planning. Dent Clin North Am. 2014 Jul;58(3):561-595.
- Scherer MD, Ingel AP, Rathi N. Flap or flapless narrow-diameter implant surgery for overdentures: advantages, disadvantages, indications, and clinical rationale. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2014;34 Suppl:s89-95.
- Kattadiyil MT, Scherer MD, Parciak E, Puri S. CAD/CAM guided surgery in implant dentistry; a review Alpha Omegan. Alpha Omegan 2014; 107(1):26-31.
- Scherer MD, Kattadiyil MT, Parciak E, Puri S. CAD/CAM guided surgery in implant dentistry; a review of software packages and step-by-step guides for planning surgical guides. Alpha Omegan. Alpha Omegan 2014; 107(1):32-8.
- Scherer MD, Ingel A, Kendall K. Flapless vs. flap for narrow-diameter implants. Implant Practice US. 2014;7(2):36-40.
- Scherer MD. Are radiographic guides necessary? Parkell Today. 2014 Jan; pg 1-7.
- Scherer MD, McGlumphy EA, Seghi RR, Campagni WV. Comparison of retention and stability of implant-retained overdentures based upon implant number and distribution. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013 Nov-Dec;28(6):1619-28.
- Scherer MD, McGlumphy EA. A universal torque wrench system. J Prosthet Dent. 2012 Dec; 108(6):401-3p
- Scherer MD, Campagni WV. An accelerated clinical chairside technique for casting overdenture attachment copings. J Prosthet Dent. 2011 Nov;106(5):337-9.
- Scherer WP, Scherer MD. A comparison of results from two mycology laboratories for the diagnosis of onychomycosis: a study of 85 cases in a geriatric population. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2004 Nov-Dec;94(6):528-34. 2004 WILLIAM J. STICKEL SILVER AWARD (2nd best publication of year)
- Scherer WP, Scherer MD. Scanning electron microscope imaging of onychomycosis. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2004 Jul-Aug;94(4):356-62.
Trade Journal Articles
- Scherer MD. Educator spreads his passion for overdentures Inside Dentistry 2021 June
- Scherer MD. The expansion of a practice enhancer Dental Products Shopper 2021 May
- Scherer MD. R5 automated milling machine Dental Products Shopper 2020 October
- Scherer MD. Digital design and milling of a maxillary overdenture Dental Products Shopper 2019 August
- Scherer MD. Scanning technology comes of age Inside Dental Technology. 2019 May;10(7):22-23
- Scherer MD. SprintRay pro desktop 3D printer Compendium 2019 November/December
- Scherer MD. Embracing the benefits of digital dentures Dental Products Shopper 2019 October
- Scherer MD. Case report: A digital workflow for successful implant restoration. Dental Products Shopper 2017 August
- Scherer MD. Case report: Maxillary overdenture using a contemporary attachment system. Dental Products Shopper 2017 August
- Scherer MD. Case report: Narrow-diameter overdenture implant placement using a 3Dprinted surgical guide. Dental Products Shopper 2017 August
- Scherer MD. Case report: Implant-retained overdenture using a contemporary attachment system. Dental Products Shopper 2016 August
- Scherer MD. Cover Photograph Series – LOCATOR Overdentures Dental Products Shopper 2016 July
- Scherer MD. Case report: Intraoral digital impressions and a laboratory-fabricated restoration. Dental Products Shopper 2015
- Scherer MD. Case report: Digital implant impressions using encode healing abutments. Dental Products Shopper 2015
- Scherer MD. Case report: Denture stabilization with narrow diameter implants. Dental Product Shopper 2015
- Lively T. Patient Perspective (contributing author). Dental Products Report 2015 February:90
- Scherer MD. Incorporating LODI into a Prosthodontics practice. Inside Dentistry 2014 November:112
- Syrop J. Preparing your business for the baby boom generation (contributing author). Inside Dentistry 2014 October:114-121
- Practice Profile: Inspired in Sonora. Implant Practice US 2014 October:6-10
- Scherer MD. Case report: Stabilizing loose dentures with narrow diameter implants. Dental Products Report 2014 Aug:14A-17A
- Scherer MD. Case report: Implant attachment pick-up technique for converting a denture into an overdenture. Dental Products Report 2014 Aug:42A-45A
- Scherer MD. Innovator Profile. Dental Products Report 2014 Jul:41